AlCircle AlCircle


Steel and Metal
secondary aluminium,ingots
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Company Overview

AlCircle is a leading global aluminium solutions provider that offers a comprehensive range of aluminium products, services, and information for businesses involved in the aluminium industry. Established in 2011, AlCircle aims to bridge the gap between producers, consumers, and traders in the aluminium sector. They are dedicated to connecting global stakeholders and creating growing opportunities in the aluminium market across the world.

Main Products

AlCircle offers various aluminium products such as primary aluminium, secondary aluminium, billets, ingots, aluminium plate, sheet, foil, extrusions, and profiles. In addition, the company offers other related products like casting alloys, wire rods, and aluminium circle or discs.

Product Characteristics

AlCircle's aluminium products are distinguished by their outstanding quality and competitive pricing. They are made using high-grade raw materials that undergo strict quality control to ensure excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and thermal conductivity. The products are lightweight, recyclable, and environmentally friendly, making them ideal for a wide range of industries and applications.

Product Applications

AlCircle's aluminium products are used in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, building and construction, packaging, consumer electronics, and transportation. Their aluminium circle/discs are widely utilized in producing cookware, road signs, lighting components, and satellite antennae, among other products.

Product Value

AlCircle's aluminium products offer excellent value for customers who value quality, durability, and environmental sustainability. With the growing demand for lightweight materials, aluminium products continue to play a crucial role in promoting energy-efficient products and reducing carbon footprint, adding value to the end-users.

Product Markets

AlCircle caters to a wide range of international markets, with a strong presence in regions like North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. The company offers a global platform for its customers to connect, collaborate and conduct business, allowing them to tap into the growing potential of the aluminium market. Their online presence further helps them reach out to a larger customer base, making them a prominent player in the international aluminium market.