Steel and Metal
Foundry alloys,Recycling of aluminum waste
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Company Overview

AMAG Austria Metall AG, headquartered in Ranshofen, Austria, is a leading supplier of high-quality aluminum materials. The company focuses on innovative solutions that cater to the varying needs of customers across various industries. With state-of-the-art production facilities and a commitment to sustainability, AMAG has established a strong reputation in the aluminum market.

Main Products

AMAG's product range spans across rolled products and casting alloys. The rolled product categories include sheets, coils, plates, and foils. Their casting alloys, specifically designed for optimal performance, include ingots, sows, and molten aluminum.

Product Characteristics

AMAG's aluminum products possess remarkable characteristics, such as:

  • Lightweight: Aluminum has a low density, ensuring reductions in material weight.

  • Corrosion-resistant: Forming a protective oxide layer on the surface, aluminum provides excellent corrosion-resistance.

  • Highly formable: Aluminium's malleability allows for various shaping techniques without breaking or cracking.

  • Low thermal expansion: Offering a stable behavior when subjected to temperature fluctuations, aluminum alloys are optimal for various settings.

  • High thermal and electrical conductivity: Enabling effective heat and electricity transmission, AMAG's products are suitable for numerous applications.

Product Applications

AMAG aluminum products are versatile and find applications across a multitude of industries, including:

  • Automotive: For car body, chassis, suspension, and battery components.

  • Aerospace: For aircraft structures, panels, and components.

  • Packaging: For beverage cans, food and pharmaceutical packaging.

  • Construction: For facades, roofs, and solar panels.

  • Electronics: For heat sinks, casings, and connectors.

Product Value

AMAG's products stand out due to their unique value propositions, such as:

  • Quality: The company adheres to strict standards, ensuring high-quality materials.

  • Sustainability: AMAG embraces eco-friendly practices and invests in recycling facilities to reduce environmental impact.

  • Customization: AMAG tailors products according to customer requirements, enhancing performance and usability in specific applications.

  • R&D-driven: The company's investment in research and development enables continuous product improvements and innovations.

Product Markets

AMAG aluminum products are widely used in the global market, spanning across North America, Europe, Asia, and other key regions. By offering high-quality, sustainable solutions, AMAG maintains a strong presence and is well-positioned to cater to the growing aluminum demands across diverse industries.