Aubert & Duval Aubert & Duval
Aubert & Duval

Aubert & Duval

Steel and Metal
High-performance steel,Superalloys
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Aubert & Duval: An Introduction

1. Company Overview

Aubert & Duval is a French company, specializing in designing and manufacturing high-performance engineered materials and components, primarily for the aerospace, defense, and energy markets. Founded in 1907, the company has a rich history of innovation and expertise in metallurgy, forging, and powder metallurgy.

With facilities in France and around the world, Aubert & Duval is committed to developing advanced solutions that cater to the ever-evolving requirements of industries while maintaining a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility.

2. Main Products

Aubert & Duval offers a diverse range of products and services, including:

  • High-performance steels: Stainless steels, ultra-high strength steels, creep-resistant steels, and corrosion-resistant steels;

  • Superalloys: Nickel-based, cobalt-based, and iron-based superalloys;

  • Titanium alloys: Alpha and near-alpha, alpha-beta, and beta titanium alloys;

  • Aluminum alloys: High-strength aluminum alloys for aerospace and other applications;

  • Powder metallurgy: Gas and water atomized powders, hot isostatic pressing, and innovative powder production techniques.

3. Product Features

Some key features of Aubert & Duval's product offerings are:

  • High-performance materials: Advanced alloys and steels designed to meet the stringent requirements of various industries;

  • Cutting-edge technology: State-of-the-art manufacturing processes and research for developing high-quality materials and components;

  • Customized solutions: Tailored products and services to meet specific client needs and applications.

4. Product Applications

Aubert & Duval's products have applications in a wide range of industries, such as:

  • Aerospace: Engine components, landing gear, and airframe structures;

  • Energy: High-performance materials for nuclear, oil & gas, and renewable energy;

  • Defense: Armored vehicle components, naval components, and firearm components;

  • Transportation: High-performance materials for automotive and rail applications;

  • Medical: Implants, prosthetics, and surgical instruments.

5. Product Value

Aubert & Duval's products provide significant value to customers due to their:

  • Enhanced performance: High-performance materials that offer improved strength, durability, and resistance to intense conditions;

  • Innovation and expertise: The company's long-standing expertise in metallurgy and engineering ensures optimal solutions for clients;

  • Sustainability: Adopting environmentally responsible practices in the development and production of materials and components.

6. Product Market

Aubert & Duval occupies a strong position in the global high-performance materials market, catering to customers across aerospace, defense, energy, transportation, and medical industries. Their commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability enables them to compete with other leading companies in the industry, while maintaining a strong presence in both domestic and international markets.