Steel and Metal
Hot and cold rolled coils,De-greased cookware
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Company Overview

GARMCO, the Gulf Aluminum Rolling Mill Company, was established in 1981 in the Kingdom of Bahrain. GARMCO is a leading aluminum manufacturer in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with a strong focus on quality, technology, and customer service. The company excels in the production of top-quality aluminum flat rolled products used in various industries worldwide.

Main Products

GARMCO's main products include a wide range of aluminum flat rolled products such as:

  1. Hot and cold rolled coils

  2. Circles and sheets

  3. Fin stock

  4. De-greased cookware

  5. Foil stock

Product Characteristics

GARMCO's products are manufactured to stringent quality standards which meet both international and customized requirements. The key characteristics of their products include:

  1. High-strength

  2. Lightweight

  3. Corrosion resistance

  4. Good formability

  5. Excellent thermal and electrical conductivity

Product Applications

GARMCO's aluminum flat rolled products are used in a variety of applications across numerous industries, including:

  1. Automotive

  2. Building and construction

  3. Packaging

  4. Electronics

  5. Marine and shipbuilding

  6. Aerospace

  7. Cookware and kitchenware

Product Value

GARMCO's commitment to quality ensures that its products offer exceptional value to customers. This value is achieved through:

  1. Industry-leading technology and production processes

  2. Rigorous quality control systems

  3. Exceptional expertise in aluminum production

  4. A customer-centric approach

Product Markets

GARMCO's aluminum flat rolled products serve both local and international markets. Their products are in high demand in over 45 countries, including key markets such as:

  1. The United States

  2. European Union countries

  3. Asia-Pacific region

  4. The Middle East

  5. Africa