Kester Kester


Steel and Metal
Solder Wire
+1 800.2.KESTER
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30 Days



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Kester is a leading global supplier of assembly materials to the electronic assembly, component and microelectronic marketplaces. Our products include an array of basic and high-tech attachment materials including traditional soldering chemicals, paste, wire and bar products. We serve a worldwide customer base with facilities in North America, Europe and Asia.

Kester Products

  • Solder Wire

  • Liquid Solder Flux

  • Solder Paste

  • Tacky Solder Flux (TSF)

  • Preforms

  • Bar Solder

  • SE-CURE™ Advanced Materials for Semiconductor Packaging 

  • A full spectrum of global customer technical support

Kester Services

Reclaim & Recycling Services

Our program provides electronics assemblers safe, efficient solder recycling services which helps them meet environmental and legislative requirements while maximizing the return on their solder dross, scrap and solder paste waste. We continue to invest and expand our capabilities to take back metal waste streams and responsibly recycle that waste into high purity raw materials for reuse. Our recycling facilities are located in the Americas and Europe.

Kester Products Target Markets

Russia, United States, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, UK, Braizil and more.