Wire Supplies & Manufacturing Wire Supplies & Manufacturing
Wire Supplies & Manufacturing

Wire Supplies & Manufacturing

Steel and Metal
+27 11 908 1823
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30 Days


South Africa

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Within 24 hours




The company was founded in April 1981 and in October 1994, it became a subsidiary of Natstan Wire Group.

The Company is owner managed and has developed into a specialist manufacturer of bedding quality, spring steel wire and supplies all the major manufacturers of mattress units in our country. We also export to a number of neighboring countries. The most modern and sophisticated wire drawing machinery has been installed to ensure that wire of the highest quality is produced.

Wire Supplies Products

Bedding & Seating Wire

Prestressed wire

Wovem mesh screen wire

Spring steel wire

Steel wool wire

Welding electrodes

General engineering wire

Wire Supplies Products Target Markets

Russia, United States, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, UK, Braizil and more.