Term of Use

This website is owned and operated by ALLOYDIRECTOR Co.,Ltd. ("ALLOYDIRECTOR"). Please read these terms and conditions of use ("Terms of Use") carefully before accessing and navigating the ALLOYDIRECTOR website. You may use the ALLOYDIRECTOR website only if you agree to and accept these Terms of Use without limitation or reservation.


ALLOYDIRECTOR may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, change, alter, modify, add, and/or remove portions of Terms of Use at any time by updating the contents of this page. You are advised to periodically visit this page and review the current revisions to our Terms of Use.


Recommended Browsers


    Internet Explorer 8 or higher

    Mozilla Firefox 9.0 or higher

    Google Chrome 16 or higher

Mac OS X

    Safari 5.0

Limitation of Use

All materials on the ALLOYDIRECTOR website are protected by the copyright laws, and other applicable laws and treaty provisions of countries throughout the world. Except for personal or non-commercial internal use, copying, modifying, reproducing in whole or part, uploading, transmitting, distributing, licensing, selling and publishing any of the materials is prohibited without obtaining prior written permission from ALLOYDIRECTOR.

The trademark "ALLOYDIRECTOR" and any ALLOYDIRECTOR product names used, quoted and/or referenced within the ALLOYDIRECTOR website are trademarks or registered trademarks of ALLOYDIRECTOR. Other company names and product names used, quoted and/or referenced in the ALLOYDIRECTOR website may be protected as their respective trade name, trademarks or registered trademarks.

Use of materials on the ALLOYDIRECTOR website shall NOT be interpreted as a comprehensive or partial grant and / or assignment of ALLOYDIRECTOR and / or any third-party patent, utility model, trademark, trade name, service mark, copyright, design, trade secret or any other intellectual property right by ALLOYDIRECTOR or the third parties, even if you are using materials on the ALLOYDIRECTOR website in accordance with these Terms of Use.

Prohibited Conduct

You may not use this website to:

Infringing the legal rights (including the rights of privacy and publicity) of ALLOYDIRECTOR and/or others

Causing any damages or disadvantage to ALLOYDIRECTOR and/or others

Disturbing public order

perform or encourage any conduct or activity that would be considered a criminal offence.

impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent any affiliation with any person or entity.

Using the ALLOYDIRECTOR website for any commercial purpose

Defaming, disgracing or libeling ALLOYDIRECTOR and/or others

post or use any computer programs that contain a virus or other harmful component.

Any other activities that are unlawful or prohibited by any applicable laws

Any other activities that ALLOYDIRECTOR deems inappropriate

About the product

The product and the service, etc. published in this website also sell, and have the untried one by the region and the country. Please inquire of the person in charge of sales who is taking charge of the region and the country that lives about the product being offered in the region and the country that lives and information on service etc.

The specification and externals of the product might have changed without a previous notice, and confirm it to the person in charge of sales, please. Moreover, some colors of the photograph etc. of the product might be actually different. Please confirm a detailed performance, the specification, and the restriction condition etc. of the published each product to the person in charge of sales.

Proposal and Offer

ALLOYDIRECTOR does not want to receive confidential or proprietary information from you through the ALLOYDIRECTOR website. Please note that any information or material sent to ALLOYDIRECTOR will be deemed NOT to be confidential. ALLOYDIRECTOR shall not be obligated to examine, evaluate, and adopt such information or material.

By sending ALLOYDIRECTOR any information or material, you grant ALLOYDIRECTOR an unrestricted, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute those information or material, and you also agree that ALLOYDIRECTOR is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you send ALLOYDIRECTOR for any purpose. Therefore, ALLOYDIRECTOR shall not be responsible for any loss, expense or damage including, but not limited to, payment of compensation, in connection with the ALLOYDIRECTOR’ adoption of the information or material identical or similar to the information or material that you send ALLOYDIRECTOR.

ALLOYDIRECTOR will not release your name or otherwise publicize the fact that you submitted materials or other information to ALLOYDIRECTOR unless:

ALLOYDIRECTOR obtains your permission to use your name.

ALLOYDIRECTOR first notifies you that the materials or other information you submit to a particular part of ALLOYDIRECTOR Site will be published or otherwise used with your name on it.

ALLOYDIRECTOR is required to do so by law.

Collection of Access Data

This website uses Google Analytics to analyze access, and when you access the site, the web browser you are using automatically sends specific information to Google. This information includes, for example, the web address of the accessed page and your IP address. In addition, Google may set a cookie in the browser you are using, or read an existing cookie.


For details, please see: http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners/


Exemption matters

While ALLOYDIRECTOR uses every reasonable effort to include accurate and up-to-date information on this website, ALLOYDIRECTOR makes no warranty as to its accuracy, security, or suitability for any purpose. ALLOYDIRECTOR expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited only to the warranties that this website will be uninterrupted, timely, safe (risk- or virus-free), or error-free, or this website will meet your requirements.

In regard to inquiries, etc., to ALLOYDIRECTOR made through the medium of this website, replies may not reach the individuals making the inquiries, etc., because the latter do not reach the persons responsible for handling them as a result of system failures or the attachment of computer viruses, they reach the persons responsible but character codes render them unreadable, addressees for replies cannot be determined owing to errors in reply addresses, or for some other reason. If you do not receive a reply after having made an inquiry, please inquire again.

ALLOYDIRECTOR may make changes to the content of the information in its website at any time without notice, and may suspend or terminate operation of the website at any time. ALLOYDIRECTOR shall not bear any liability for damages that arise as a result of its changes to the content of information or suspension or termination of the operation of the website for whatever reason.